Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures

Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures

Building real-life asynchronous architectures | Serverless Office HoursПодробнее

Building real-life asynchronous architectures | Serverless Office Hours

Reactive DDD with VLINGO/PLATFORM WebinarПодробнее

Reactive DDD with VLINGO/PLATFORM Webinar

Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, the Non-sense and a Way Forward by Allard BuijzeПодробнее

Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, the Non-sense and a Way Forward by Allard Buijze

The Language of Actors - Vaughn VernonПодробнее

The Language of Actors - Vaughn Vernon

Implementing Microservices with Scale and Akka by Vaughn VernonПодробнее

Implementing Microservices with Scale and Akka by Vaughn Vernon

Devoxx Poland 2016 - Vaughn Vernon - Reactive Microservices with DDD and ActorsПодробнее

Devoxx Poland 2016 - Vaughn Vernon - Reactive Microservices with DDD and Actors

OpenCredo: Spring Boot Microservices vs Akka Actor Cluster by Lorenzo NicoraПодробнее

OpenCredo: Spring Boot Microservices vs Akka Actor Cluster by Lorenzo Nicora