FBI: Ohio teacher facing child porn charges could have student victims

FBI: Ohio teacher facing child porn charges could have student victims

Early childhood teacher’s assistant facing multiple child porn charges, FBI looking for potential viПодробнее

Early childhood teacher’s assistant facing multiple child porn charges, FBI looking for potential vi

CCS begins formal process to fire teacher facing child porn chargesПодробнее

CCS begins formal process to fire teacher facing child porn charges

Needham middle school teacher charged with child pornography felonies, placed on leaveПодробнее

Needham middle school teacher charged with child pornography felonies, placed on leave

Students React To Charges Of Child Pornography Against TeacherПодробнее

Students React To Charges Of Child Pornography Against Teacher

Elementary school teacher facing child porn chargesПодробнее

Elementary school teacher facing child porn charges

Needham middle school teacher faces child porn chargesПодробнее

Needham middle school teacher faces child porn charges

Former teacher wanted by FBI on child porn chargeПодробнее

Former teacher wanted by FBI on child porn charge

FBI searches for teacher facing child porn chargesПодробнее

FBI searches for teacher facing child porn charges

Manual HS teacher facing child porn charges asking for shock probationПодробнее

Manual HS teacher facing child porn charges asking for shock probation

Teacher was texting 14-year-old student before he was arrested, FBI complaint saidПодробнее

Teacher was texting 14-year-old student before he was arrested, FBI complaint said

Docs: PE teacher charged with child porn, arrested at hotel with nude childПодробнее

Docs: PE teacher charged with child porn, arrested at hotel with nude child

Teacher Facing Child Porn ChargesПодробнее

Teacher Facing Child Porn Charges

Teacher charged with producing child pornПодробнее

Teacher charged with producing child porn

Shelbyville teacher accused of possessing child porn, soliciting minorПодробнее

Shelbyville teacher accused of possessing child porn, soliciting minor

FBI: South Daytona teacher had 8,000 child porn imagesПодробнее

FBI: South Daytona teacher had 8,000 child porn images

Heritage High School teacher in custody and faces child pornography charges after FBI stingПодробнее

Heritage High School teacher in custody and faces child pornography charges after FBI sting

Teacher arrested on child pornography chargesПодробнее

Teacher arrested on child pornography charges

Lee's Summit teacher facing federal child pornography chargesПодробнее

Lee's Summit teacher facing federal child pornography charges

Teacher facing child porn charges to remain in custodyПодробнее

Teacher facing child porn charges to remain in custody