paulw7uk chess v 2021 ends with discovered checkmate

paulw7uk chess v 2021 ends with discovered checkmate

paulw7uk chess v 1609 promote pawn to queen = checkmate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1609 promote pawn to queen = checkmate

paulw7uk chess960 v 1577 end of game ends in checkmate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess960 v 1577 end of game ends in checkmate

paulw7uk chess v 2049 mate in end but much quicker missed lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2049 mate in end but much quicker missed

paulw7uk chess v 2250 winning endgame low on time lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2250 winning endgame low on time

paulw7uk chess v 2043 ends with nice discovered check lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2043 ends with nice discovered check

paulw7uk chess v 2106 trapping king on side of board lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2106 trapping king on side of board

paulw7uk chess v 2038 close game ends with corner mate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2038 close game ends with corner mate

paulw7uk chess v 2056 sensible endgame play nice mate to end lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2056 sensible endgame play nice mate to end

paulw7uk chess v 2207 long endgame 98% v 89% lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2207 long endgame 98% v 89%

paulw7uk chess v 2146 scary endgame played very well lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2146 scary endgame played very well

paulw7uk chess v 2083 checkmate after discovery on queen lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2083 checkmate after discovery on queen

paulw7uk chess v 2009 convert exchange up to mate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2009 convert exchange up to mate

paulw7uk chess v 2233 blitz back rank checkmate tactic lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2233 blitz back rank checkmate tactic

paulw7uk chess v 2021 mate after long endgame 97% lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2021 mate after long endgame 97%

paulw7uk chess v 1841 opponent forgets back rank mate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1841 opponent forgets back rank mate

paulw7uk chess v 1985 we end with 3 queens lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1985 we end with 3 queens

paulw7uk chess v 1782 crazy game white king mate on g6 lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1782 crazy game white king mate on g6

paulw7uk chess v 1503 endgame ends with 3 queens and mate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1503 endgame ends with 3 queens and mate

paulw7uk chess v 1825 some wins are just plain luck lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1825 some wins are just plain luck

paulw7uk chess v 1777 - 10 checks in a row = mate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1777 - 10 checks in a row = mate