paulw7uk chess v 2226 loss of day to nice rook sac lichess

paulw7uk chess v 2226 loss of day to nice rook sac lichess

paulw7uk chess v 2056 sensible endgame play nice mate to end lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2056 sensible endgame play nice mate to end

paulw7uk chess v 2256 not all rook pawn endgame end draw lichessПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2256 not all rook pawn endgame end draw lichess

paulw7uk chess v 2236 when both play the botez gambit lichessПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2236 when both play the botez gambit lichess

paulw7uk chess v 2173 turning round -3 for nice checkmate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2173 turning round -3 for nice checkmate

paulw7uk chess v 2630 loss of day when you beat yourself lichessПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2630 loss of day when you beat yourself lichess

paulw7uk chess v 2075 loss of day level material but much worse lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2075 loss of day level material but much worse

paulw7uk chess v 2165 just about result when lots of blunders lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2165 just about result when lots of blunders

paulw7uk chess v 2273 when nice sac doesn't work #lichessПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2273 when nice sac doesn't work #lichess

paulw7uk chess v 1608 when you blunder mate in 1 lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1608 when you blunder mate in 1

paulw7uk chess v 2292 bezerk. my blunder leads to a mate in 2 lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2292 bezerk. my blunder leads to a mate in 2

paulw7uk chess v 2165 nicely converted 96% accuracy lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2165 nicely converted 96% accuracy

paulw7uk chess v 1863 nice tactic n*b2 mate follows lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1863 nice tactic n*b2 mate follows

paulw7uk chess v 1669 poor game but nice puzzle rush mate lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 1669 poor game but nice puzzle rush mate

paulw7uk chess v 2135 queen rook endgame mate threat missed lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2135 queen rook endgame mate threat missed

paulw7uk chess v 2544 loss of day careless blunder when level lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2544 loss of day careless blunder when level

paulw7uk chess v 2202 king advance backfires queen rook endgame lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2202 king advance backfires queen rook endgame

paulw7uk chess v 2293 rook sac in level endgame lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2293 rook sac in level endgame

paulw7uk chess v 2274 loss of day goes wrong stays wrong lichess.orgПодробнее

paulw7uk chess v 2274 loss of day goes wrong stays wrong