Serialization: A New Hope by Viktor Klang, Brian Goetz
Serialization - A New HopeПодробнее
Serialization 2.0 with Viktor Klang - Live Q&A at Devoxx BEПодробнее
Teaching old Streams new tricks By Viktor KlangПодробнее
Ask the Java Architects By Sharat Chander, Alan Bateman, Stuart Marks, Viktor Klang, Brian GoetzПодробнее
Let's Bring Back: The Lost Language EditionПодробнее
Postcards from the Peak of Complexity by Brian GoetzПодробнее
Star Wars: A New Hope (Nortish subtitles)Подробнее
Java Language update By Brian GoetzПодробнее
RISC-V Summit 2019: 60 Headline Sponsor Western Digital presents RISC V Hypervisor SupportПодробнее