When Giant Amphibians Reigned

When Giant Amphibians Reigned

Ancient Giant AmphibiansПодробнее

Ancient Giant Amphibians

The Only Time Amphibians Conquered the OceansПодробнее

The Only Time Amphibians Conquered the Oceans

Evolutionary Grounds: When Amphibians RuledПодробнее

Evolutionary Grounds: When Amphibians Ruled

Rise of the Amphibians: The Great Escape from WaterПодробнее

Rise of the Amphibians: The Great Escape from Water

Giant AmphibiansПодробнее

Giant Amphibians

When amphibians ruled the world | Life On Our PlanetПодробнее

When amphibians ruled the world | Life On Our Planet

The Time Amphibians Turned Into Carnivorous PancakesПодробнее

The Time Amphibians Turned Into Carnivorous Pancakes

When Giant Millipedes ReignedПодробнее

When Giant Millipedes Reigned