Yang–Mills theory

Celestial Marginal Operators for Yang-Mills by Sruthi NarayananПодробнее

Celestial Marginal Operators for Yang-Mills by Sruthi Narayanan

La découverte de l'interaction nucléaire forte (problème de Yang-Mills 1/2)Подробнее

La découverte de l'interaction nucléaire forte (problème de Yang-Mills 1/2)

[Seoul-Tokyo Conference 2024] Deformed W-algebras and representations of quantum .... - S. M. LeeПодробнее

[Seoul-Tokyo Conference 2024] Deformed W-algebras and representations of quantum .... - S. M. Lee

Chintan Patel - New supersymmetric phases of N=4 super-Yang Mills theoryПодробнее

Chintan Patel - New supersymmetric phases of N=4 super-Yang Mills theory

Sergei Dubovsky: (New York University): Yang—Mills glueballs vs closed effective strings (Zoom)Подробнее

Sergei Dubovsky: (New York University): Yang—Mills glueballs vs closed effective strings (Zoom)

"Entanglement entropy of a color flux tube in 2+1D Yang Mills theory", Rocco AmorossoПодробнее

'Entanglement entropy of a color flux tube in 2+1D Yang Mills theory', Rocco Amorosso

"A string theory for 2D Yang Mills", Suman KunduПодробнее

'A string theory for 2D Yang Mills', Suman Kundu

Serdar Çite | Configuration Space of Gauge TheoriesПодробнее

Serdar Çite | Configuration Space of Gauge Theories

Breaking Translations in Non-Perturbative QFT with HolographyПодробнее

Breaking Translations in Non-Perturbative QFT with Holography

Quantum Mechanics as QFT in 1,2,4,Dimensions & Yang-Mills flows for Twisted... by Nikita NekrasovПодробнее

Quantum Mechanics as QFT in 1,2,4,Dimensions & Yang-Mills flows for Twisted... by Nikita Nekrasov

The Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap ProblemПодробнее

The Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap Problem

Lec 29 Non-abelian gaugesПодробнее

Lec 29 Non-abelian gauges

Arnab Kundu (SINP) - Three dimensional (super) Yang-Mills with compressible quark matterПодробнее

Arnab Kundu (SINP) - Three dimensional (super) Yang-Mills with compressible quark matter

Contemporary Physics or Power in SimplicityПодробнее

Contemporary Physics or Power in Simplicity

Unlocking the Universe: Yang-Mills and The Quest for the Mass GapПодробнее

Unlocking the Universe: Yang-Mills and The Quest for the Mass Gap

Conghuan Luo (USC), "An Update on the 4d Yang-Mills Flux Tube Spectrum"Подробнее

Conghuan Luo (USC), 'An Update on the 4d Yang-Mills Flux Tube Spectrum'

Jing-Yuan Chen: Instanton and Chern-Simons in Lattice Yang-Mills Theory from Higher Category TheoryПодробнее

Jing-Yuan Chen: Instanton and Chern-Simons in Lattice Yang-Mills Theory from Higher Category Theory

Agnese Bissi: (Uppsala University,Sweden): Towards all loop supergravity amplitudes(Zoom Seminar)Подробнее

Agnese Bissi: (Uppsala University,Sweden): Towards all loop supergravity amplitudes(Zoom Seminar)

【24.12.20】 "Instantons from Yang-Mills Action" | Ong Zi Qian | FYP PresentationПодробнее

【24.12.20】 'Instantons from Yang-Mills Action' | Ong Zi Qian | FYP Presentation

Yang–Mills Theory Calculator with input form to solve YOUR CalculationsПодробнее

Yang–Mills Theory Calculator with input form to solve YOUR Calculations